Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy has been effective from Aug 1st, 2022.

This Policy describes the ways in which Happy Fox Game (referred to as "the company", "we", "us", or "our") collects and uses information about you when you play the company’s product which accessed via Apple’s ‘App Store’, Google Play.

Who this Policy applies to:

By downloading and/or accessing any of the company’s product you agree to be bound by this Policy in respect of the information collected about you. The company may change this Policy at any time. If we make material changes to the Policy, we will notify you prior to such change. If you do not want to consent to the changes in the Policy you should stop using the company’s product. Subject to such notification, the company shall deem your continued use of the company’s product as indicating your consent to the processing of personal data described in this Policy, including such changes. This Policy applies to people who use the company’s product and people who make complaints to us by email.

Information the company collects and uses if you contact us or make complaints:

When the company receives complaints by email it files any relevant document and may retain details of the complainant and other individuals identified in the complaint. The company will only use this information to process the complaint and to check on the company product’s services and staff. Subject to mandatory law, the company shall retain information in relation to a complaint for 7 years after its closure, in a secure environment and access to it will be restricted on a ‘need to know’ basis.

Information the company collects when you use the company’s products:

The company may collect the following related information when you use the products: if you sign into one of the products through a social network the company may be able to access certain information about you through that Social Network. The company will only access information which you have agreed to make available as part of your membership of such social networks. You can change what information the company can access by changing your privacy features on your social networks; Information in relation to your purchases within the products, these are handled through the platform on which you purchased the product or other payment processors. The company does not retain any card or payment details. The company does keep a record of your purchases and your aggregate spending; and your Unique Device Identifier or a record of the internet browser which you are using when you use the product. This may provide the product with an approximate location as to where you are using the product and on what device.

In some function of our service, such as leader board and social system. We need collect and share your game information among users. Those data including:

l  Your name in game

l  Your avatar in game

l  Your scores or coins

l  Some other basic statistics, such as wining rate

For continuously improve our app and provide more better experiences, We and our service providers may use these log files, tags, and tracking technologies to collect and analyze certain kinds of technical information, including:

l  IP Address

l  Platform Type

l  GPS Location

l  Your operating system version

l  Your mobile device's identifiers

We may collect and store some of that information shared by the provider of the connected third-party application:

l  First Name and Last Name

l  Your profile picture's URL

l  Your user ID number (like your Facebook ID number), which may be linked to publicly-available information like your name and profile photo

l  The user ID number and other public data for your friends

l  Your gender

l  Any other information that you or the provider of the third-party application share with our game

If you access our Services from a third-party application or connect our Services to a third-party application, you should also read that third-party application's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

If you are unclear about what information a third-party application is sharing with us, please go to the third-party application to find out more policy about their privacy practices.

How we use information collected from you when you use the products:

The company may use the information it collects from you described in part 3 above to: tweak, tune and facilitate the improvement of the product and your experience of the product; provide advertising within the product which is more relevant to you (for example, which is based on your location and information made available through your social networks); allow you to partake in the product as social games, for example if you wish to play as part of a ‘Team’. Your information (for example your Apple Game Centre Name, your name and photo from social networking platforms or any ID which you have given us) may be shared with other players and within your social networks. You may also share elements of your performance or participation in the product with other players and your social networks and invite other people to play with you; complete your transactions in respect of your purchases within the product; provide technical support in relation to player enquiries and troubleshooting; prevent fraud or illegal activities; share this information with the following third parties for the following purposes: any third party, such as group companies, processing data on behalf of the company; The company’s online partners to serve adverts within the product. The company may share your anonymized Unique Device Identifier and other relevant data with you with its partners to ensure that the ads you receive are relevant to you; your social networks (including Facebook), who may combine this information with other information they hold about you – you should refer to your social network’s privacy policy to see how they will use this information; any third party, in relation to the sale of some or all business, or its assets, or as part of any business restructuring or reorganization. The company will take steps with the aim of ensuring that your privacy rights continue to be protected; or law enforcement agencies in compliance with law enforcement.


The company has implemented technology and policies to safeguard your privacy and personal data from unauthorized access and improper use. You may also change your account settings on your social networks (e.g. Facebook) to prevent both us and third parties seeing information in relation to you.

The company’s policy towards children under 13:

If you are under 13 years of age or a minor in your country of residence, you need your legal guardian's permission to use or access the product. The company’s product is intended for audiences aged 13 and above. However, the content of the product has been rated by Apple as being acceptable for ages 4 and above. The company does not request, seek or track the age of its players and so any individual who has access to a device of any age may play our game and, if unsupervised, make purchases without the device owner’s permission. If as a parent or guardian of an under 13 or a minor, you have any concerns about our Policy or you have experienced issues with purchases been made using your device without your permission please contact us. Please note that it is the platform providers (e.g. the Apple App Store, Google Play etc.) not the company who control the payment process for in app purchases. Thus, any queries or application for refunds should be made directly to the platform provider. However, should you wish to contact us we would be more than happy to discuss any query you have with you. Information on how to complain about purchases can normally be found within invoices from platform providers.


If at any time you would like to contact the company about your views on this Policy or any enquiry relating to your personal information you can do so by sending an email to us.

Please email to: